The content of this page was culled from HERE  

AppleColor Composite Monitor & Platinum Apple IIe — International Varieties


AppleColor Composite Monitor specifications



Feedback card with Apple Computer Australia warranty insert





                     NTSC Apple II  — Master crystal 14.318 MHz  divide by 4 →   3.58 MHz NTSC colour burst (@ 60Hz)
                     PAL-region Apple II  — Master crystal 14.250 MHz  divide by 4 →   3.56 MHz NTSC colour burst (@ 50Hz) "International NTSC"
                     PAL Apple IIe colour circuit  (active when motherboard colour switch enabled)    4.43 MHz PAL colour burst (@ 50Hz)

NB:  120V model AppleColor Composite monitors support 3.58 MHz NTSC colour (60Hz)

220/240V AppleColor Composite monitors support 3.56 MHz NTSC colour (50Hz)

I'm not aware of any Apple-brand monitor compatible with PAL 4.43 MHz colour (at least no such model was sold in Australia or Europe)



AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe


A2M6021X 240V 'International NTSC-50' model for the southern hemisphere


      Genuine Apple II composite video cable 590-0539-A   AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe original box (Australian model)  

Unlike its 120V North American counterpart, this 240V model has a detached power cord


Packing List for North American version (A2M6021)


"ColorMonitor IIe / IIc" - as they were originally called when launched in late 1985

Apple ColorMonitor IIe

A2M2056X 240V 'International NTSC-50' model as sold in Australia & New Zealand

See also   New release ColorMonitor IIe/IIc with Australian pricing - Your Computer (November 1985) 

      Review of ColorMonitor IIe from The Apple II Review (Spring 1986) 


"Technically, the ColorMonitor IIe is an RGB monitor on the inside... A standard composite video jack "looks" at the computer's video signal.  If the color burst frequency is present, the signal is split from composite video into its components (red, green, blue and sync signals)."  — The Apple II Review (Spring 1986)




Apple ColorMonitor IIe & IIc original boxes


NB: ColorMonitor IIe is beige, whereas AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe is platinum - colour-matched for original Apple IIe and platinum IIe, respectively.  I was unclear whether the IIc model was ever released in the PAL countries.  Both the original 128K PAL Apple IIc i.e. model #A2S4000* (*=Z, F, B, D, T, N etc) and the later model //c for those markets (e.g. A2S4100X - "memory expansion" model a.k.a. "enhanced IIc") were inherently capable of colour, outputting an 'International NTSC-50' type of signal compatible with 220-240V models of the AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe (e.g. A2M6021X) - see screenshots HERE & discussion HERE).  Apple-Bug (February 1988) - the newsletter of Apple-Q Brisbane - published a pricelist for AppleCare in Australia.  Extended warranty coverage for "Colour Mon.IIc", "Flat Panel Display.IIc" and even "Apple III" could be purchased from Apple Computer Australia - intriguing no?  An official Australian Apple Product List (1988-89) does show "IIc Colour" monitor.  So without a doubt, the 240V IIc colour monitor is for real!


These 1987 retail price lists for Australia give A$795 as the cost of an Apple //c Colour Monitor (A$80 for matching monitor stand)

Dust covers for "//c Colour System" were even available from Apple Users' Group Sydney (ad on right)


Apple II systems price list 1987 (Apple Computer Australia)   Apple IIe IIc IIGS colour monitor pricing - APC Hardware Guide 1987  

See also   Apple IIc colour system advertisement Australia - 1987 Grace Bros (New South Wales) @ Twitter 


 Actual examples of this most elusive of Apple //c monitors! 

240V AppleColor Composite Monitor (IIc) (A2M6020X)

ABOVE: photo courtesy 'musovern' (of New Zealand) @ {image URL}

Original discussion topic HERE


BELOW: photos courtesy Danny & Ian (of Australia)

   240V AppleColor Composite Monitor (IIc) (A2M6020X)   




240V ColorMonitor IIc (A2M4043X)  &  matching monitor stand (A2M4027)


ColorMonitor IIc Stand (A2M4027)


Apple IIc — 220/240V model (50Hz video output)

Assembled in Ireland


COLOUR with direct attachment to 240V ColorMonitor IIc (A2M4043X)

Reader Rabbit on 240V ColorMonitor IIc (A2M4043X)

 → see also CHOPLIFTER screenshot (220/240V Apple IIc to matching 240V ColorMonitor IIc)


Apple II Monitor Stand (A2M4029) original box  


eBay photos of original box for Apple II Monitor Stand (A2M4029) - introduced early 1987

Coloured platinum, this stand suits ColorMonitor IIc, AppleColor Composite Monitor (IIc) and RGB or mono IIGS monitors.  Monitor sits flat with the feet detached.  With feet slotted in place, the monitor is tilted up (allowing room for a raised //c to fit below the front lip).  The earlier ColorMonitor IIc Stand (A2M4027) is angled by design (lacks detachable feet) and suits the same monitors, but is coloured snow white to match the original IIc.  Its front overhang only has enough clearance for an unraised //c (handle retracted) to tuck beneath.  The tilt-and-swivel Apple Universal Monitor Stand (M0403) was introduced 1987 for Macintosh II monitors yet is also officially compatible with the aforementioned IIc and IIGS monitors.


     AppleColor Composite Monitor (IIc) with Apple II Monitor Stand


 There's a lot to be said for owning an Apple IIc 


ca. 1986-87 Apple IIc brochure  (USA)

Showcasing AppleColor Composite Monitor (IIc)  & more...


  High-resolution scan of Apple IIc brochure [21 MB] 




The 120V version monitors sold in North America support colour with regular NTSC 3.58 MHz only (other video modes i.e. PAL 4.43 MHz & NTSC-50 (3.56 MHz) will come up in monochrome).  'International NTSC-50' was a hybrid phenomenon first seen in the Apple II Europlus/Euromod (ca. 1979+) and the original 128K Apple IIc (April 1984) and subsequently extended to the 'memory expansion' Apple IIc (September 1986) and platinum Apple IIe (January 1987) - as sold in PAL markets.  Any 220-240V model of the ColorMonitor IIe/IIc or AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe/IIc ought to be compatible.  The specification defines a 3.562456 MHz colour burst and vertical and horizontal scanning frequencies of 50 Hz & 15.659 kHz.  A hardware modification to convert International NTSC Apple IIe to regular NTSC is described HERE.

The original pre-platinum Apple IIe sold in PAL markets from 1983-86 has a regular PAL 4.43 colour output (compatible with many TVs & any PAL monitor) — but this machine is the exception to the rule, as all other 8-bit Apple II models released in PAL region are natively 50Hz NTSC 3.56 and will need extra help to produce a PAL colour signal (e.g. PAL Colour Encoder Card for Europlus, A2M4023 PAL Modulator/Adapter for IIc).

Other considerations — when a CRT monitor designed for the northern hemisphere is operated in the southern hemisphere (or vice versa), certain colours may appear faded or patchy in some parts of the screen - a consequence of the CRT picture tube having been factory calibrated for the magnetic field of the opposing hemisphere.


Apple //e — NTSC /  PAL /  International NTSC flavours

American Apple IIe NTSC motherboard Rev. B (1983)          


  AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe A2M6021X 240V 'International NTSC' model for southern hemisphere   Platinum Apple IIe 'International NTSC' A2S2128X model (Australia & N.Z.)      Platinum Apple IIe 'International NTSC' A2S2128X model info

Screenshots from AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe (A2M6021X 240V NTSC-50 model)

on my platinum 'International NTSC' Apple IIe (A2S2128X Australian model)


Alien Arcade — Skyfox — Airheart — Europe Ablaze — Prince of Persia — Apple //e RGB Demo — Summer Games II — Gumball — Transylvania — Mario Bros — Lode Runner — Karateka — Apple IIe self-diagnostic

      Airheart screenshot AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe A2M6021X 'International NTSC' 

Prince of Persia screenshot AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe A2M6021X 'International NTSC'     

Double hi-res colours AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe A2M6021X 'International NTSC'   



Gumball in colour and monochrome white

(monitor's front control panel has a mono toggle button)


The A2M6021X supports colour with 50Hz "International NTSC" (3.56 MHz) only (other video modes i.e. PAL 4.43 & NTSC 3.58 will come up in monochrome)


To see colour on this display you'll need either a 220-240V Platinum Apple IIe 'International NTSC'  or  any 220-240V Apple //c (e.g. A2S4000B, A2S4100X)  or  Apple ][ Europlus/Euromod (direct hookup)  or a  220-240V PAL Apple //e with Extended 80-Column Colour Card (A661-91097)

equivalent clones will also work e.g. Pravetz 8M

 The Apple IIGS can be toggled between 60 and 50hz vertical scanning frequency via the System Standards control panel which affects both RGB and composite video.  NTSC colour burst remains fixed at 3.58MHz (American standard) hence the GS is not colour-compatible with these 240V NTSC/50 (3.56MHz) monitors.  It also has no provision for PAL colour (4.43MHz) via composite.  The GS will of course do colour over any regular NTSC display (60Hz guarantees a stable picture but Vertical-Hold adjustment may be needed at 50Hz).




Apple ][ Plus — 230V Eurapple model (A2S2 Euromod Plus) — "REV 04" motherboard

Manufactured USA ca. 16th week 1980


COLOUR with direct attachment to 240V AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe (A2M6021X)




Apple II Europlus (IA2S2) — "820-0044-C" revision motherboard

Manufactured Ireland ca. 36th week 1981


COLOUR with direct attachment to 240V AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe (A2M6021X)

         Apple II Europlus with 240V AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe  


Noteworthy Full screen text appears monochrome on Europlus (1981) yet exhibits green/purple artefacts on Eurapple Plus (1980) — using the exact same monitor

This Europlus has a newer type of motherboard which is described in the Addendum to the Apple II Reference Manual

 Video courtesy eBay Australia

see also Photo: Oscilloscope waveform - colour burst of Apple II Europlus  courtesy 'nilseuropa'


Apple //c 'Memory Expansion' model (A2S4100X for Australia/N.Z.)


with preinstalled 256K Apple IIc Memory Expansion Card (for total 384K RAM)

see also  TAKE-APART PHOTOS — Apple IIc (A2S4100X) with 384K RAM & PAL Modulator

Overview of the "Memory Expandable" Apple IIc see Apple IIc New Features Update (1986 Apple Computer)


A2S4100X with traditional 240V PAL //c green monitor (A2M4090X)



A2S4100X model identifier (also showing A2S4100C & A2S4100E models)


Apple //c 'Memory Expansion' model (A2S4100X for Australia/N.Z.)


with 1MB Apple IIc Memory Expansion Card (for total 1152K RAM)  &  UniDisk 3.5 drive

COLOUR with direct attachment to 240V AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe (A2M6021X)



Apple //c original ROM model (A2S4000B/A2S4000Z/A2S4000N for Britain/Australia/N.Z./Netherlands etc)


COLOUR with direct attachment to 240V AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe (A2M6021X)

220-240V Apple IIc does 'NTSC/50' colour on 240V AppleColor Composite Monitor


Apple //c (A2S4000B/A2S4000Z)  versus  Platinum Apple IIe (A2S2128X)


Comparison screenshots — direct attachment to 240V AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe (A2M6021X)

As you can see, their picture qualities are practically indistinguishable


Apple //c PAL Modulator/Adapter (A2M4023)

& Apple IIGS composite video (regular NTSC/60)


MONOCHROME ONLY on 240V AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe (A2M6021X)

Apple IIc PAL Modulator & Apple IIGS - mono only on 240V AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe


 Apple IIGS to 120V AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe (A2M6021) works in colour as expected - see my screenshot HERE

Check out my video with more screenshots from 120V AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe (A2M6021 NTSC-60 model) HERE


   Apple Monochrome Monitor A2M6016X original box (AU model)

12" Apple Monochrome Monitor (composite) for Apple IIGS or IIc (white phosphor)

A2M6016X (240V southern hemisphere) & A2M6016Z (220V northern hemisphere) models



 Download high-resolution photos Apple Monochrome Monitor A2M6016X original box [18 MB]


Apple Monitor II - 230V model A2M2010P   Apple Monochrome Monitor IIe - 240V model A2M6017X

12" Apple Monitor II  &  Apple Monochrome Monitor IIe (green phosphor)

A2M2010P (230V beige) & A2M6017X (240V platinum) models for Australia


Apple Computer Australia & AUSOM at PC86 Melbourne  

Apple Computer Australia crowd pleaser @ PC86 Show (June 1986 Melbourne)

 Download PC86 Show Catalogue - complete scan [52 MB]


See also   Comprehensive Price List for Apple IIe & IIGS computer systems (November 1988) - Central Logic Systems, Melbourne - hi-res scan 


 Guess what 


1986 Apple IIe brochure  (USA)

Showcasing AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe,  Apple Monochrome Monitor IIe  & more...


  High-resolution scan of Guess What Apple IIe brochure [15 MB] 




Le Chat Mauve RGB SCART/PERITEL adapter A2M4020F for Apple //c  

In France, RGB solutions were especially favoured — every Apple //c came standard with "Le Chat Mauve" RGB Scart/pιritel adapter (A2M4020F)

 This adapter also provides a composite SECAM signal for displays with only "half Scart" input and will even route the //c speaker audio.

"Le Chat Mauve" also made an RGB TTL adapter (DIN plug) for //c and the Eve and Fιline cards (RGB 80-column 64K) for Apple //e.



RGB screenshots on “RCA” Blackpearl CRT TV (21DG17EA / TX807CS)

from Apple IIc (A2S4100X) with Le Chat Mauve RGB SCART adapter (A2M4020F)



NB: This TV is equivalent to European model THOMSON Blackpearl (21DG17E / TX807CS)




TIP: Cold-booting forces some double hi-res games (e.g. Platoon) to render correctly in colour which might otherwise appear mono with Le Chat Mauve



Neuromancer (above left) inadvertently invokes the DHR mixed mono-colour mode of Le Chat Mauve!




French ads Apple IIc colour system - GOLDEN magazine (1986-87)

GOLDEN magazine ads showing French Apple //c 384K system (A2S4110F / A2S4100F see FinApple's blog) — as bundled with Philips RGB colour monitor and Extasie software by Le Chat Mauve

& the original 128K Apple //c (A2S4000F) with Arlequin - another Chat Mauve creation

  See HERE for info & photos of French Apple //e with Philips RGB colour monitor & Le Chat Mauve "Eve" card

Philips monitors were endorsed by Apple in parts of Europe — e.g. prior to the release of Monitor II, the officially approved monochrome displays for Apple //e in Italy were Apple Monitor /// (green) and Philips PCT 1201 (amber)

see 1983 Italian Apple IIe & III brochure "I Sistemi di Elaborazione Personale"

A subsequent Italian IIe/IIc brochure (ca. 1984/85) describes an optional RGB interface for Apple IIe  «Uscita RGB opzionale» see HERE  {Vintage Apple ~}

Philips (RGB) monitors & Le Chat Mauve products were officially supported by Apple in France see Liste des Produits Supportιs - 1988 Apple Computer France



 Table comparing known variants of the Platinum Apple IIe 

    "Apple //e 128K" Platinum Apple IIe Platinum Apple IIe Platinum Apple IIe Platinum Apple //e "Hybrid"  
  Market USA USA Canada


New Zealand

  Model Number A2S2064 A2S2128 A2S2128C A2S2128X


[* = D (Germany), F (France), S (Sweden), P or B (Britain), T (Italy)]

  Date of Introduction October 1986 January 1987 January 1987 January 1987 ca. January 1987  
  Factory of Origin Singapore



Singapore Singapore Ireland  
  Voltage 120V 120V 120V 220/240V 220/240V  

Motherboard Type


Platinum motherboards are Rev. C or higher, as denoted by part number suffix

(this list is incomplete!)

Platinum Apple IIe

Platinum Apple IIe





Platinum Apple IIe



Platinum Apple IIe

International NTSC





Platinum Apple IIe

International NTSC


B607-0288-C (Britain)

B607-0288-D (Britain)

F607-0288-C (France)

D607-0288-D (Germany)

S607-0288-D (Sweden)


607-0288-E has also been observed

  Video System NTSC NTSC NTSC International NTSC International NTSC  

Standard Memory

(64K motherboard plus preinstalled miniature 64K extended 80-column card)

128K 128K 128K 128K

Some miniature extended 80-column cards were made in Australia PHOTOS

  Case Type Original Apple IIe style New platinum style New platinum style New platinum style Original Apple IIe style but new platinum colour scheme which also extends to the name badge  
  Keyboard Original Apple IIe layout (no numeric keypad)   New platinum layout with numeric keypad   New platinum layout with numeric keypad.  Dual character set French-Canadian & USA English with toggle switch under keyboard.   New platinum layout with numeric keypad.  Dual character set UK & USA English with toggle switch under keyboard.   Original Apple IIe layout (no numeric keypad) in new platinum colour.  Dual character sets with toggle switch under keyboard.  "65C02" label on keyboard power light.  
  Additional Notes Original box is labelled "Apple IIe 128K" - photo album available HERE


"E64009Y A2S2064" is the model code of the depicted specimen - i.e. manufactured 40th week of 1986 in Singapore


For the PAL countries, the platinum "International NTSC" motherboard also shipped briefly in the traditional Apple IIe case ca. late 1986 VIDEO: Swedish beige IIe International NTSC &  PHOTOS: New Zealand beige IIe International NTSC


"Apple introduces an updated IIe" from Apple-Bug (April 1987) - reprint from Open-Apple (February 1987)


Platinum Apple IIe A2S2128 & original boxes



Platinum Apple IIe & AppleColor Composite Monitor original boxes


Serial numbers of two units appear in top photo:-

E-9-43... E=Singapore, 9=1989, 43=43rd week


WI-3-34... WI=Malaysia(?), 3=1993, 34=34th week


Apple IIe production could have shifted to Malaysia towards the very end (IIe was discontinued November 1993).  I can't confirm the "WI" factory code, but some ca. 1992-93 units were "Packaged in Malaysia" - see HERE.  And Malaysia definitely produced some pre-platinum IIe motherboards - see HERE.


Keyboard PCBs were made in Taiwan for at least some platinum IIe's - see photos HERE


Packing List for Apple IIe (July 1991 / USA) is HERE


Platinum Apple IIe A2S2128C Canadian model

More photos available HERE


This model has a UK keyboard (£ keycap) yet its primary market was Australia/N.Z.  An identical machine was sold in the UK but assigned a different model number A2S2128Z {photos}




Apple Computer Australia October 1990 Product Range & Price List is HERE

(PAL Colour Card A2A005 is available option for the Platinum Apple IIe PHOTOS)


The pre-platinum PAL Apple IIe for Australia (ca. 1983-86) was sourced from both Ireland (A2S2064P - UK model) & Singapore (A2S2064X - AU model) - all had dual character support for UK & USA English


a.k.a. NTSC/50 — 3.562456 MHz colour burst & 50 Hz vertical scanning frequency - also the native video output of any Apple ][ Europlus or 220/240V Apple //c.  Regular NTSC or PAL displays generally interpret this signal in monochrome only.  The 240V AppleColor Composite Monitor (IIe or IIc matching models) will give colour - see HERE & HERE.


These units were assembled in Ireland, but at least some of the motherboards were made in Singapore, and some keyboard PCBs were by Mitsumi.


Apple Monochrome Monitor IIe - 240V model A2M6017Z

Apple Monochrome Monitor IIe

A2M6017Z model for Europe

(220/240V platinum)


European Platinum Apple IIe original boxes (May 1988 Apple User UK)


Further info & photos of the European Platinum Apple IIe are available here:

1 | 2 | 3 | 4


Apple IIe still being made in Ireland (Jan 1988 Apple User UK)



  Others ??  A Spanish version of Platinum Apple IIe was evidently released in Latin America - here's a photo by Jose Ricci - a model code "A2S2128E" would be most likely but this is just an educated guess.  A beige Apple //e with Western Spanish keyboard also exists (model A2S2064E - 115V NTSC).  This model appears related to the Canadian beige Apple //e (model A2S2064C) - affixed to their undersides is a common model ID sticker for units assembled in Ireland.  The Apple //e was also locally manufactured by Apple de Mexico in Nanicalpan.  In Europe, the PAL Spanish Apple //e utilizes a somewhat different keyboard layout.

 Download above table as PDF




Platinum Apple //e (Hybrid)

A2S2080P / A2S2080B model for the United Kingdom

Did you know?  In the early 1980s, a computer monitor supplier in the British Isles mulled the release of a customized "International NTSC" version of the Thorn TX10 as direct-connect colour solution for the Apple II Europlus — please see HERE


Apple IIe Extended 80-Column Text & Colour Video Card (assembled in Australia)

Apple Computer part number A661-91097


Mr GC kindly permitted me to photograph this Apple IIe (pre-platinum PAL model) with an Australian made extended 80-column video card.  I don't think I've ever seen one of these before!  Rather unusually, it plugs into both the auxiliary slot and slot 3 (which line up directly in the PAL IIe).  The slot 3 connector is a mostly blank wafer with just a single "finger" making electrical contact inside the slot.  The card has an RCA composite output which yields a better picture on the 240V ColorMonitor IIe/IIc or AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe/IIc than the standard video output jack of the motherboard.

Extended 80-Column Colour Card A661-91097 - NTSC/50 for PAL Apple //e

[I found good photos HERE and an intriguing discussion HERE.  Note that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the PAL Apple IIe's standard composite video output - e.g. see my Jumpman screenshot (PAL IIe direct to PAL Commodore 1084S monitor).  Yet surprisingly, the 240V ColorMonitor IIe or IIc cannot decode PAL (4.43MHz) colour burst at all and only produce colour with 50Hz NTSC (3.56MHz).  The PAL Apple IIe motherboard has a colour toggle switch and with PAL colours disabled (i.e. switch in "mono" setting) video output reverts to a 50Hz NTSC-like signal — just not of the exact type which the 240V ColorMonitor IIe expects.  According to AUSOM News (March 1987), the colours appear swapped around i.e. blue is red, green is blue, red is green Donkey Kong screenshot {wrong colours}.  It seems this monitor only displays correct colour when fed a compliant NTSC/50 signal, which is supplied by this special video card (A661-91097) on the PAL IIe.  Whether the equivalent ColorMonitor IIe in Europe needs the same workaround I cannot say.  Those units (if they actually exist) won't be the same as those sold in Australia - besides voltage (likely 220V), and a northern hemisphere-tuned CRT picture tube, the logic board could also differ...  Evidently though the European ColorMonitor IIc (A2M4043Z) shares the same logic board as the Australian ColorMonitor IIe & IIc (A2M2056X & A2M4043X)  Photo: logic board  courtesy of Arcade King @ forum  — this actually makes sense as the native video output of any 220/240V Apple IIc is NTSC 3.56Mhz (50Hz) and pairs perfectly with 240V ColorMonitor IIe/IIc or AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe/IIc   → see also Photo: Oscilloscope waveform - colour burst of European Apple IIc  courtesy Marco Orlandi ]


Illustrative pictorial sourced from Australian eBay...


LEFT: ColorMonitor IIe on 240V PAL Apple //e with "extended 80-column colour card"

RIGHT: Enlarged views 240V ColorMonitor IIe (A2M2056X)


NB: According to the discussion HERE the 240V "AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe" (A2M6021X platinum model) only supports colour with "International NTSC-50" and not PAL (having now obtained an A2M6021X of my own I can personally confirm this finding) This situation also pertains to the earlier 240V beige "ColorMonitor IIe" (A2M2056X) made between 1985-86 (seen above) - the "better" match (cosmetically) for the original beige PAL //e in Australia/New Zealand (when fitted with A661-91097 video card!).  NB: A2M6021X retains the same logic board of the A2M2056X.




Extended 80 Column Text and Video Card ("Colour Card") — NTSC/50 (3.56MHz) for the PAL Apple //e

LEFT: Original box with part # A2A0004


MIDDLE: Some cards were also being produced in Singapore

RIGHT: Apple Panic colour screenshot  (courtesy T. Stewart)

This replaced the old Extended 80-Column Text Card in Australia and New Zealand ca. 1986 and became standard equipment on every 128K PAL //e sold that year.

It could also be purchased separately by existing PAL //e owners wishing to upgrade to 128K 80-columns and for attaching an Apple ColorMonitor IIe or IIc (240V models).

NB: This card is obsolete where the Platinum 'International NTSC' Apple IIe is concerned


Extended 80-Column Text and Video Card Addendum available HERE  (courtesy P. Howard)

"... this card includes a special video output port for use with the Apple COLOUR MONITOR IIe or Apple COLOUR MONITOR IIc in a 220V-240V country"


David Wilson furnishes some technical details of the card —


Apple ColorMonitor Installation Manual (IIe/IIc) (80 pages)

English / French / German / Italian / Spanish

(1985 Apple Computer)

 Download PDF (27MB high quality scan)


This manual only describes NTSC/50 (3.56MHz) and NTSC/60 (3.58MHz) versions of the Apple ColorMonitor (no mention of PAL at all).  If this official info is correct, then the video card A661-91097 (AUS-0004) must output an NTSC/50 (3.56MHz) colour signal.  Some pertinent info HERE.  The motherboard RCA jack of the beige PAL Apple //e is also capable of a quasi NTSC/50 with the colour toggle switch of the motherboard set to mono.  Refer discussion HERE.  In mono switch setting, the PAL colour circuitry of the //e is disabled whilst some kind of NTSC colour burst is introduced, yet this signal isn't fully compatible with these NTSC/50 monitors - the symptom manifests as colours being swapped around i.e. blue is red, green is blue, red is green see screenshot HERE.  The A661-91097 video card rectifies this problem on the PAL //e.

These same NTSC/50 monitors happen to work just fine on every other 8-bit Apple II model sold in PAL regions (Euro II/II+, IIc and Platinum IIe 'International NTSC') - no workaround necessary for those machines as they already produce a 50Hz NTSC (3.56MHz) colour signal of the expected format.


Apple IIe PAL colour switch

Apple //e PAL colour switch


Now, since it appears the only significant difference between the 240V models of the ColorMonitor IIe/IIc (A2M2056X / A2M4043X) and AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe/IIc (A2M6021X / A2M6020X) is cosmetic (beige, white or platinum), and all support colour with 50Hz NTSC 3.56 only (not PAL 4.43 and not NTSC 3.58), then here is the lowdown synopsis of how they behave with various Apple II configurations:-


 Table summarizing colour behaviour of international Apple II models on various monitors 

  PAL Apple IIe (220/240V beige)

Motherboard video switch set to COLOUR

Inbuilt RCA jack

PAL Apple IIe (220/240V beige)

Motherboard video switch set to MONO

Inbuilt RCA jack

PAL Apple IIe (220/240V beige)

RCA jack of Extended 80-Column Colour Card (A661-91097 — assembled in Australia or Singapore)

International NTSC Platinum Apple IIe (220/240V)

Inbuilt RCA jack

Apple IIc (any 220/240V PAL-region model)

Apple II Europlus/Euromod

Inbuilt RCA jack

Apple IIc (any 220/240V PAL-region model)

RCA jack of PAL Modulator/Adapter (A2M4023)


Apple IIGS (any model)

Fixed 3.58MHz NTSC colour burst with selectable 50 / 60Hz vertical scanning frequency via System Standards control panel

Inbuilt RCA jack

240V ColorMonitor IIe (beige) & IIc (white) — NTSC/50 (3.56MHz) MONOCHROME WRONG COLOURS CORRECT COLOUR


120V ColorMonitor IIe/IIc or AppleColor Composite Monitor IIe/IIc — regular NTSC (3.58MHz) MONOCHROME MONOCHROME MONOCHROME MONOCHROME MONOCHROME MONOCHROME CORRECT COLOUR (configure GS for 60Hz to avoid rolling picture)
Regular NTSC-only colour composite monitor or TV MONOCHROME

MONOCHROME (or wrong colour)

MONOCHROME (or wrong colour)

MONOCHROME (or wrong colour

Kero's Mac Mods )

Regular PAL/NTSC (dual standard) colour composite monitor or TV CORRECT COLOUR MONOCHROME (or wrong colour) MONOCHROME (or wrong colour) MONOCHROME (or wrong colour) MONOCHROME (or wrong colour) CORRECT COLOUR CORRECT COLOUR



Comparison of all variants of the original beige Apple //e (USA & international)



Apple IIe Supplement to the Owner's Manual (1982)



Complete scan now available HERE [14MB PDF]


Apple IIc & IIe — Canadian flavours


A2S4000C (120V) & A2S2064C (120V) models — NTSC


Canadian Apple IIc (A2S4000C) & Enhanced Apple IIe (A2S2064C)


 Enhanced Apple //e with Western Spanish keyboard (rarity!) 


 A2S2064E model (115V NTSC) - circa 1985 

Rare Apple IIe with Western Spanish keyboard (A2S2064E 115V NTSC)


AppleColor Monitor 100 — Apple's official RGB solution for Apple IIe & III

Monitor on American NTSC Apple //e with Extended 80-Column Text/AppleColor Card in auxiliary slot


NB: third-party adapters allow the monitor to be used on Apple II/II Plus/IIc and it can be made IIGS compatible by setting an internal switch


"Green only" monochrome mode:-


Extended 80-Column Text/AppleColor Adapter Card manual @ Asimov server is HERE [32MB PDF]

For AppleColor Monitor 100 pricing & options please see my scan   Apple //e and //c Products Confidential Dealer Price List (USA) - November 1984 

 And also   RGB Monitors: Best of the Brightest - inCider (October 1985) 

(reviews of AppleColor Monitor 100, Princeton Graphic HX-9 & HX-12, Zenith ZVM-135, Amdek Color 500, Thomson CV36432SI, Sakata SC-200)


Steve Wozniak with AppleColor Monitor 100 & Apple IIe

The AppleColor Monitor 100 (12" RGB monitor) was officially introduced on July 9, 1984 in the United States — see  Apple press release 


For detailed technical discussion of Apple IIe/IIc RGB please refer Open-Apple - May 1985 (TXT)  and  Open-Apple - July 1985 (TXT)


“While standard single-resolution Apple graphics always come in loud and clear on an RGB system, double-resolution graphics don't. In order to see anything when double-resolution graphics are displayed, you must have both an RGB card that supports double-resolution graphics and software that turns on the RGB card's double-resolution feature...”  — Open-Apple (May 1985)

Two examples of double hi-res programs that work fine with Apple's Extended 80-Column Text/AppleColor RGB Card are Beagle Graphics and Broderbund's Dazzle Draw, the latter even exploiting the special DHR mixed mono-colour mode available with this card ( Dazzle Draw RGB demo video by 8BitBites).

Some DHR games show up monochrome (white) with Apple's RGB card - e.g. certain Epyx titles, Platoon by Data East, Who framed Roger Rabbit by Buena Vista and undoubtedly others (need proof? view GALLERY of screenshots).  Many software developers didn't check for full DHR compatibility with the AppleColor RGB card.  It's been reported that cold-booting may alleviate this problem with some software (see further discussion HERE).  Third-party //e RGB cards which more closely mimic a conventional Extended 80-column Text Card won't have these issues ( Platoon in colour with Digicard 64K Extended 80 Column RGB Card) (NB: Native RGB of the Apple IIGS is genial with just about all double hi-res software)

It's worth noting that recent versions of AppleWin can emulate the AppleColor RGB Card (along with RGB of Video-7 and Le Chat Mauve).


The AppleColor Monitor 100 was not released in Australia.  In a February 1985 interview, Rudi Hoess states that "In Australia, Apple doesn't sell a colour monitor, which means that virtually all the Apples being sold have only a monochrome green screen."  His company Electronic Concepts was the official distributor of Apple in Australia from 1977 thru mid-1983.  High cost was cited as the reason by Your Computer - see HERE.  So down under, your options for Apple II colour were third-party PAL monitor/TV or RGB setups (e.g. Kaga/Taxan with Digicard //e RGB card watch video demonstration HERE).  The new Apple-brand colour composite monitors, launched late 1985 in the USA, were certainly available in Australia by 1986.

The Apple II Video Overlay Card, introduced 1989 by Apple, doubles as an RGB card for Apple IIe when paired to a GS AppleColor RGB Monitor (or equivalent).  This card was officially available in Australia (see October 1990 Apple Australia Price List HERE).


Apple II Video Overlay Card in Australia  &  American brochure

RGB piggyback cards for AE RamWorks

RGB for AE RamWorks - ColorLink & Digital Prism

ColorLink (IBM 9-pin & Apple IIGS 15-pin RGB)  &  Digital Prism (IBM 9-pin & AppleColor Monitor 100 15-pin RGB)


PAL Apple IIe (A2S2064X)

RamWorks ColorLink RGB Option  &  Taxan Super Vision III monitor

^ 2016-05-13 (last revised 2024-08-19)